Purified Culture of Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuron Derived From Embryonis Rats

Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases 2003,Vol 11, No 5

Wang Liqin; Song Xueqin; Wang Xiaojuan

Absrract: Objective: to establish purified culture system of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells derived from embryonic rats in NBImedia. Methods: Dosal root ganglions from embryonic rats were digested with trypsin and produced single cell suspension. Cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons were purified by differential adhesion method, then cultured in NB1 media. The purification rates were evaluated according to living cell count and nuronal specific enolase (NSE) immunocytochemistry strain. Results: Cultured disal root ganglion cells can survive healthy. When dosal root ganglion cells were cultured for 4 days in vitro, the purification rate of neurons was 91% or so. Conclusion: High purified neurons can be harvested by different adhesion, which can act as an important tool in Neuronoscience strdy.

Key Words: dorsal root ganglion; cell culture; purification; neuronal specific enolase

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