Theodora Sarikouris - Epilepsy(Australia)

Theodora Sarikouris came to China for stem cell treatment for her seizures which was done by Dr Li Ke Wu, Dr.Xiaojuan Wang and their medical team. After the treatment, she achieved great improvements.                    

NAME: Theodora Sarikouris                                                        

SEX: Female

COUNTRY: Australia                                   

AGE: 6



Meical history before stem cell treatment:

Thea is a bright and energetic 6 years old. Unfortunately she suffers from a particularly debilitating form of epilepsy and as a result, had to suffer hundreds of small seizures per day. These seizures have left her brain damaged. In order to try to repair some of the damage done to her brain, Thea's parents decided to bring her to China for stem cell treatment.

The most obvious sign of Thea's brain damage was her inability to communicate. She could only form words partially and would mumble or make sounds when trying to communicate. She would also point and nod or shake her head. Although her parents had learned to understand her, it was difficult for other people or hospital staff to understand what she was trying to say.

Her constant seizures also meant that she had to take a lot of medications and that her line of thought would constantly be interrupted, making it difficult for her to focus. She was not able to use numbers well.

Thea was able to run and play, like other children, but her daily routines were constantly interrupted by medications and seizures.

She received 4 stem cell injections via lumbar puncture and nutritious stem cell cocktail treatment (intravenous) by Dr. Li Ke Wu and Dr. Xiaojuan Wang.


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After the treatment:

During Thea's stay in China, she became more vocal. She tried to put words together into a sentence and she was able to say "thank you very much" instead of just "thank you". She even learned a few words of Chinese while she was here. Thea seemed to be able to focus more on what people were saying and pay attention to her surroundings. Her attention seemed, in other words, to be sharper and she was able to communicate better with the other patients and the hospital staff.

Thea's parents know that bigger improvements will not be seen until around three to six months after treatment but they remain hopeful that Thea will develop faster than she has done before and that her condition will continue to improve.





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