Samia Ashraf - Hypoxic encephalopathy(Pakistan) Posted on February 11, 2011

Name: Samia Ashraf     
Sex: Female
Country: Pakistan
Age: 30
Diagnoses: Hypoxic encephalopathy, secondary epilepsy
Admission Date: 2010-10-20
Days Admitted to the Hospital: 35

Samia took cough medicine on March 27, 2009. Soon afterward, she developed breathing problems and fell into a coma. Samia received a tracheotomy, mechanical ventilation to assist her breathing and organic phosphorus detoxification treatment. On the third day, she was taken off the ventilation and continued her treatment in the ICU. She received physical rehabilitation bedside with the assistance of her family members. Three months after this time period, noticeable improvements could be seen. Samia could understand simple instructions given to her. She was able to swallow small amounts of liquid and move her arms and legs slightly. At the onset of the disease, Samia was presented with paroxysmal convulsions, clenched fists, and she would grit her teeth. Samia was put on Topamax for treatment.

They looked for new therapy, so they contact doctors in Wu Stem Cells Medical Center and came the center for treatment.

During the examination of the nervous system, Samia was alert. Her cognitive abilities were poor. She had difficulties with understanding simple commands from her family members. She could only voice one simple sound and there was no other autonomous language ability. Samia was unable to cooperate with the memory, calculation ability, or orientation examinations. There was an ulcer in the cornea of the left eye with visible white attachments. Samia had difficulty with a whole range of examinations including testing the cranial nerves, movement of the eyes, muscle strength of the arms and legs, pain stimulus, and the examination of the coordinated movements.

The muscle tone of both upper limbs was high, about level 4. Both lower limbs were flexed; the muscle tone was also high, about level 2. The muscle tone of the ankle joints was high; the range of motion was 1.The bilateral biceps reflex and radioperiosteal reflex activity was decreased. The bilateral triceps reflex was active, the bilateral patellar tendon reflex and the right Achilles tendon reflex was not elicited.

Before the start of the stem cell treatment, Samia received a complete examination. Then she was given treatment to improve the blood circulation, neural stem cell injections, nourishment for the neurons, fibrinolysis, anti-coagulants, and treatment to protect the liver. This was accompanied with physical rehabilitation training. Concurrently, we adjusted the therapy according to test results showing any changes in Samia's symptoms.

After the completion of the treatment, Samia's condition had improved gradually. The corneas are translucent. There are no visible white attachments in the eyes. Both upper limbs can maintain an elevation of 90º degrees and maintain this position for 25 seconds during physical rehabilitation training. Sami's legs are stronger and have better resisting strength.

Samia's father told the medical staff that he was very satisfied with the effectiveness of the treatment and the outcome for his daughter. The family hopes that other patients with similar conditions will be able to come to Wu Stem Cells Medical Center for treatment.

See Samia's vedio:


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