CAST (drug Cocktail Aided Stem Cell Therapy) helps 24-year-old ROP girl regain her eyesight.

Escaped from 24 years of darkness, finally seeing the real world.

Mayra is a 24-year-old beautiful and lovely Argentine girl. She was born at her mother's 24th week of pregnancy, weighed 1.1kg at birth and was unable to breathe on her own. She was treated with a ventilator and high concentration oxygen after birth and was diagnosed with ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) 4 months later. She has been forced to keep living in the darkness since then.

Mayria is lively, smart and active, but she can't enjoy her life at the age of 24 even though it is such a beautiful age. Living in the dark for too long restricts her in too many activities which brings a dark cloud to herself and the whole family: I want to see the real world.

In order to regain her eyesight and get rid of the darkness, Mayria's family and friends began to pay attention to all kinds of information on the treatment of her eye diseases. They constantly searched and compared the world-renowned hospitals, experts and various treatments. Dr. Wu and his team’s treatment met their needs. The effective, safe, less painful and no secondary damage CAST (drug Cocktail Aided Stem Cell Therapy) treatment for ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) attracted the attention of Mayria's family and friends. So Mayria and her family came to Wu Medical Center last December.

Before the treatment:
There is only faint light sense in both Mayria’s eyes.

After a detailed understanding of the situation of Mayria and the demands of her family, according to his rich experience in successfully treating ROP (Retinapathy of Prematurity) for more than 15 years Dr Wu devised a plan. It was based on the principle of high affectivity, safety, less pain and no secondary damage. Dr. Wu used his original CAST (drug Cocktail Aided Stem Cell Therapy) to treat Mayria.

Everything was progressing smoothly, safely and effectively…

After 14 days of treatment her vision improved significantly:
 Her light sense of both eyes increased significantly.
 She could clearly point out the location of the light source.
 Her eyes could see the shadow of the object at a close distance.

One month after treatment her vision improved further:
 She could see the outside world.
 She could see distant objects (such as bottles, etc.).
 Due to the improvement of her eyesight her range of activities has expanded significantly. She can now swim in the swimming pool by herself.

Mayria is like a princess in a fairy tale who has escaped from the curse of darkness. After 24 years of darkness, she has finally seen what the real world looks like. The sunrise and sunset, the changes of the four seasons, the city she lives in, her family and so many other things she wants to see are no longer absent from her world. It provides her with a more capable and confident approach when she participates in various activities so that she can now better enjoy her own life and the love from her family and friends. We wish that our beautiful princess Mayria can now live a more wonderful life!

To learn more about Mayra Noemi Roselo's patient story and treatment, please refer to the link below:

Mayra Noemi Roselo-Retinopathy of Prematurity-(Argentina)


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