Mr.Gul-Spinocerebellar Ataxia-(Pakistan)

Name: Mr.Gul 
Sex: Male
Nationality: Pakistani
Age: 32Y
Diagnosis: Spinocerebellar Ataxia

Before treatment:
The patient was unable to speak clearly or write things down well so he went to the hospital in India and they found nothing. He then went to a local hospital 4 years ago and was diagnosed with Spinocerebellar Ataxia. His swallowing problems began 7 years ago, he chewed slowly and sometimes he choked. He also had problems with walking. 3 years ago he had diplopia. He could take care himself mostly but he moved slowly and had swallowing problems. He then had balance problems and he was unable to walk by himself. He could only stand for 6-7seconds.
His spirit is good, his sleep is bad. His urination and defecation functions are normal.

Admission PE:
Bp: 133/87mmHg, Hr: 96/min, breathing rate: 19/min, body temperature: 36.7 degree. Nutrition status was good with normal physical development. There was no injury or bleeding spots of his skin and mucosa, no blausucht, no oropharynx congestion and no tonsil swelling. The thoracic cage was symmetrical. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear and there was no dry or moist rales. There was no bulging in praecordia. The heart beat was powerful with regular cardiac rhythm and no obvious murmur in the valves. The abdomen was distended but with no masses or tenderness. The liver and spleen were normal. The shifting dullness was negative. Physiological spinal curvature existed. There was no edema of  the legs.

Nervous System Examination:
Patient was alert but his speech was slurred. His memory, orientation and calculation abilities were normal. Both pupils were equal in size and round, diameter of 2.5 mm, reacted well to light but the upper view and right view of the right eye was not good. He had diplopia. Bilateral forehead wrinkle and nasolabial fold were symmetrical, bilateral chewing was symmetrical and powerful. Showing teeth was normal, the uvula was in middle, he could make his tongue extend out normally and the bilateral soft palate can lift powerfully. Patient can turn his neck and shrug powerfully. Bilateral proximal muscle power of the arms was grade 4; distal muscle power was grade 4+. Bilateral muscle power of the legs was grade 4. Four limbs’ muscle tone was basically normal. Bilateral biceps reflex, triceps reflex, patellar tendon reflex were decreased; bilateral ankle clonus was negative. Bilateral sucking reflex, Hoffmann sign and Babinski sign were negative. His deep and shallow sensation was normal. Left side finger to nose movement was not stable, right side was passable. Bilateral fast alternating movement and finger to finger movement was normal. Bilateral heel-knee-shin movement was not stable. He could not stand by himself. The Romberg's sign was positive. The meningeal irritation sign was negative.

After the admission he received related examinations and received 3 times nerve regeneration treatment to repair his damaged nerves, replace dead nerves, nourish nerves, regulate his immune system and improve blood circulation. This was done with rehabilitation training.     

After 14 days treatment his proximal muscle power of the arms improved to grade 4+, left side finger to nose movement got more stable than before, he could now stand by himself for 10-15 seconds with his eyes open and for 3-5 seconds with eyes closed.

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